Tuesday, July 24, 2007

you see all these movies

(originally written 2/21/2004)

You see all these movies, books, tv shows
With men being men
The ultimate man
No flaws
No problems
Strong principles
Never wavering
But in the real world, its not like that
No one has principles
Everyone wavers
And yet all these people experience “Greatness”
and I try and stick to what I think is right
what is pure in the world
what is right…
what is right…
and I get screwed over
nothing goes right for me
people treat me like shit
and I find amusement in trying to treat other people like shit
but I shouldn’t
I don’t really want to
I feel like I’m a good person
I was a good person
I just want to be a good person again

Friday, July 13, 2007

Joe Buckman

*character sketch for my upcoming story

I'm 35, overweight and balding, and i have a penchant for biting sarcasm. I just purchased my first pair of glasses in 15 years; apparently aviator prescription glasses are no longer in style. I'm clever as hell but lonely as a rock. I grew up in Ann Arbor, and have spent pretty much every day of my life in michigan, save a vacation I took when I was twelve (my little sister was five) to disney world and a spring break trip i took during college to visit san diego.

I like sushi but HATE fish. I like thai food but am allergic to peanuts. I write poetry but I am unable to feel emotions. I love baseball but I hate hot weather. I'm going to vote for Obama even though I know he can't win. I'm an OSU fan even though I ride past the Big House on my bike every day.

...and I just inherited 325 million dollars, but have no friends or family.