Monday, January 31, 2011

some shots from killington

Should I make a separate blog for photography? It's a good idea, but I'm thinking that for right now I'm going to make sure that I remember to post pictures, first and foremost. If I start posting a lot more, then I might make a photo-only forum. Anyways, here are some pics from my first ski trip in a while. I was rolling solo on the trails, so I stopped a few times to take some shots with my point-and-shoot. I couldn't always get the exact perspective I was looking for, but a few of these came out ok I think.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

bilzzard shots

these are a few attempts at snowstorm photos... i'm sure i'll have plenty more chances this season to go for a couple more, but here are a few (it was too cold to travel too far):