Monday, March 06, 2006

good times, great oldies.

This "testimonial", if you will, is actually a month old, but I haven't posted anything in a while and felt like adding something.

Adam is 25 years old today. It seems weird to say, but I've known him for 10 years now, and probably been close friends with him for about 9 of those. Out of all the friends I've made over the past 10 years, I've probably seen Adam the least, and yet I still feel like he's a closer friend to me than people I see every week. His off-color remarks that make no sense to anyone except for maybe 4 people in the world, his willingless to leave his country behind in order to experience the world, and introducing me to the aqua teen hunger force are just 3 of the 20681 reasons why i miss this guy much more than any guy should ever miss any other guy. Um... yeah... I'm not sure who just wrote this emotional testimonial... why is it so dusty in here? eyes... watering... er... yeah. safari joe does indeed do it again.

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